Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Woke up to the sun streaming through the window and the remains of a rainshower glistening on the garden. When I look out it could well be Spring, everything is growing. Bearing in mind it is the end of September we have been so lucky with the weather this month. I hope it continues on into October. I trimmed back the honeysuckle around the walkway unter the pergola and brushed up the bricks. The rose that Cassie gave me for my birthday is blooming for a second time. It always comes out in June and is a pale pink edged with a raspberry tint but it is unusual for it to bloom a second time. Called "Birthday Girl" it always reminds of her when I walk past it on my way down to the greenhouses.

I cut long strands of mint and took them into the lean-to greenhouse to dry in the sunshine. Why buy mint tea when it is so easy to make your own. I should have enough for the Winter as it is prolific. Can't wait until the "Chagford" mint really gets going next year. The leaves are huge and fluffy looking and the smell and taste are divine. Mint also looks great mixed in with cut flowers and makes the room smell divine.

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