Sunday, October 19, 2008

There are 2 tiny yellow fluffy chicks over in the hen house. Hatching out in October, they are really late so we will have to keep them in for a while until they feather up a bit. I feed them on a few chick crumbs and refill their water dish a couple of times a day. Spotty, the Jack Russell terrier is fascinated by their antics and always comes with me to see them.

The ducks from the pond just down the hillside track up every day so I leave some rolled barley out for them with a container of water. I'm sure they could survive on the duckweed but they have developed a taste for the barley and I love to see them waddling along every morning. The fox has nabbed some of them but the 3 that are left are wiley and so far have defeated any of his efforts. They are a mixture, one is a large white Aylesbury, another is an Elder and the last one has an interesting pom pom of feathers on its head but I can't remember its name. Perhaps someone will remind me

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